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Getting started

App Quickstart

The recommended way to get started with Zudoku is to use the create-zudoku-app CLI tool. This tool will scaffold a new Zudoku site for you to customize and build upon.


You will need Node.js installed to use the CLI. Zudoku requires Node.js version 22 or higher.

Install Zudoku


  1. Open your terminal (Command Prompt or PowerShell).
  2. Run the following command to create a new Zudoku app:
npx create-zudoku-app


  1. Open your terminal (you can use the built-in Terminal app).
  2. Run the following command to create a new Zudoku app:
npx create-zudoku-app


  1. Open your terminal (you can use the built-in Terminal app).
  2. Run the following command to create a new Zudoku app:
npx create-zudoku-app

The generator will take you through the setup steps and scaffold a minimal but fully functional documentation site for you to get started with.

  1. Open the newly created project in your code editor. You will find and example OpenAPI file in /apis/openapi.yaml. Replace this file with your own OpenAPI schema.

JSON OpenAPI Files

If your OpenAPI file is in JSON format you can create an openapi.json. Set the file path in the zudoku.config.ts to point to your JSON file.

  1. Start the development server by running
npm run dev

You now have a fully functional Zudoku site running on your local machine. Next, commit your changes to a source repository and deploy the site to your hosting provider or CDN.