Welcome to the beta! Please open a GitHub issue if you have feature requests or find any issues.


If you use a managed authentication service, such as Auth0, Clerk or OpenID you can implement this into your site and allow users to browse and interact with your documentation and API reference in a logged in state.


To implement the authentication option for your site, add the authentication property to the Zudoku Configuration file. The configuration is slightly different depending on the authentication provider you use.

Protected Routes

You can protect specific routes in your documentation by adding the protectedRoutes property to your configuration. This property takes an array of path patterns that match the routes you want to protect. When a user tries to access a protected route without being authenticated, they will be redirected to the login page.

  // ...
  protectedRoutes: [
    "/admin/*",     // Protect all routes under /admin
    "/settings",    // Protect the settings page
    "/api/*",       // Protect all API-related routes
    "/private/:id"  // Protect dynamic routes with parameters
  // ...

The path patterns follow React Router's syntax:

  • :param matches a URL segment up to the next /, ?, or #
  • * matches zero or more characters up to the next /, ?, or #
  • /* matches all characters after the pattern

For example:

  • /users/:id matches /users/123 or /users/abc
  • /docs/* matches /docs/getting-started or /docs/api/reference
  • /settings matches only the exact path /settings

After logging in, users will be automatically redirected back to the protected route they were trying to access.


For Auth0, you will need the clientId associated with the domain you are using.

You can find this in the Auth0 dashboard under Application Settings.

  // ...
  authentication: {
    type: "auth0",
    domain: "yourdomain.us.auth0.com",
    clientId: "<your-auth0-clientId>",
  // ...


For Clerk you will need the publishable key for your application. You can find this in the Clerk dashboard on the API Keys page.

  // ...
  authentication: {
    type: "clerk",
    clerkPubKey: "<your-clerk-publishable-key>"
  // ...


For authentication services that support OpenID, you will need to supply an clientId and issuer.

  // ...
  authentication: {
    type: "openid",
    clientId: "<your-client-id>",
    issuer: "<the-issuer-url">
  // ...