Welcome to the beta! Please open a GitHub issue if you have feature requests or find any issues.

Code Blocks

Zudoku supports code blocks in Markdown using the Prism.js syntax highlighting library.

Syntax Highlighting

Code blocks are text blocks wrapped around by strings of 3 backticks. You may check out this reference for the specifications of MDX.

console.log("Every repo must come with a mascot.");

The code block above will render as:

console.log("Every repo must come with a mascot.");

Supported Languages

Currently, Zudoku supports the following languages for syntax highlighting:

  • Markup - markup, html, xml, svg, mathml, ssml, atom, rss
  • Ruby - ruby, rb
  • Bash - bash, sh, shell
  • PHP - php
  • JSON - json, webmanifest
  • Java - java
  • C# - csharp, cs, dotnet
  • Objective-C - objectivec, objc
  • Markdown - markdown, md
  • JavaScript - javascript, js
  • TypeScript - typescript, ts

Language customization is coming soon! See #86